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Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

How psychiatrists provide perinatal mental health support

Perinatal mental health refers to the emotional and psychological well-being of mothers during pregnancy and the first year after childbirth. This period is often filled with significant physical, hormonal and emotional changes, which can make women more vulnerable to mental health challenges including postpartum depression. Psychiatrists play a critical role in providing tailored care to women during this transformative time, addressing conditions like depression, anxiety and psychosis.

Kidney stones: the need-to-know guide

Kidney stones, also called renal calculi or nephroliths, are formed when excess minerals and salts in the body build up and become crystalline hard deposits. They can be caused by not drinking enough water and other fluids, or because of certain medical conditions that cause an aggregation of these substances in urine. Miss Jean McDonald, a celebrated urologist, shares the causes of the phenomenon and the available options for treatment.

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors
Médico de cabecera

The benefits of platelet-rich plasma therapy: A natural approach to healing and anti-ageing

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative treatment that has gained widespread recognition for its ability to promote healing and rejuvenation. By using a patient’s own blood, PRP harnesses the natural regenerative properties of platelets to repair damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and enhance skin and hair health. This minimally invasive therapy is being used across various medical and aesthetic fields, offering a promising alternative to synthetic treatments.

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